Let’s get a QR code of our website and add it on our website. Make the logo bigger. I want them to know what website they’re on. Can we put more ads on the page? Can we do the website in black and white to save some money? Not sure if it’s possible, but a rotating “flash” photo would be pretty awesome in the top nav area.

Let’s get a QR code of our website and add it on our website. Make the logo bigger. I want them to know what website they’re on. Can we put more ads on the page? Can we do the website in black and white to save some money? Not sure if it’s possible, but a rotating “flash” photo would be pretty awesome in the top nav area.

Let’s get a QR code of our website and add it on our website. Make the logo bigger. I want them to know what website they’re on. Can we put more ads on the page? Can we do the website in black and white to save some money? Not sure if it’s possible, but a rotating “flash” photo would be pretty awesome in the top nav area.